Find out now who, in fact, was the First Emperor of Rome. Many think it is Julius Caesar, but in fact, it was Augustus. Considered by many to be the greatest Roman Emperor of all time.

Quotes from Roman and Greek Gladiators: The Most Amazing and Outstanding Phrases from Icons like Spartacus, Maximus, Leonidas and Achilles. Remember, with "Gladiator" we are referring to great movie icons.

Barca, in the Spartacus series, was an extremely wronged gladiator (deceived by Ashur) and was also created by the series producer, making reference to the former general of Carthage: Anibal Barca, check it out.

Varro was one of the most relevant gladiators. Varro was also the best friend of the protagonist and after his death, Spartacus was very sad. "He will be remembered as a father, husband and friend among enemies."

Who was the First King of Rome? You who are here for sure have already wondered, after all, Rome was not always a republic or empire... In its foundation, Rome was a kingdom, know its history below.

Who was Julius Caesar? Discover the history of this icon. Contrary to what many people think, Caesar was not a Roman Emperor, but a DICTATOR. It was he who marked the transition from the Roman Republic.

Quintus Lentulus Batiatus was one of the most hated (and loved) characters in the Spartacus series, but what few people know is that Lentulus Batiatus really existed, learn more about this icon in history.

Cossinius and Furius were not very relevant in the Spartacus series, as they only appear in Season 4 and for a change, in only 1 episode. These two actually existed in history, check it out.

Publius Varinius was an ascendant Roman politician and rival of Claudius Glabro (also a politician). Contributes to the 3rd Servil War but was Humiliated by the rebel Spartacus, check it out.

Gaius Claudius Glaber was a "Legatus", that is, a military commander during the Roman Empire. He also had the political title of Praetor and was defeated by Spartacus. Check out.

Marcus Crassus was one of the most important politicians of his time and considered the richest man in Rome. Did you meet him on the Spartacus series? Well, know his story and death below.

Ilithyia was, in the series Spartacus, "friend" of Lucretia and both had a relationship of total poison. She was married to Claudius Glaber, the one who captured the Thracian.

Mazikeen is, in the Lucifer series, a "Demon" and for those who don't know, Actress Lesley Ann Brandt left her role of "Naevia" in Spartacus to play our beloved Maze.

Sura was the Thracian wife of Spartacus, who was tragically taken from him by his most hated enemy, Claudius Glaber. However, her memory was kept alive and honored by her husband.

Slade Joseph Wilson (Arrow series), codenamed Exterminator by A.R.G.U.S., is a former member of the Australian Secret Intelligence Service. Check out.

The Egyptian is a mysterious character who works as a member of the Ashur Group. He is a prominent antagonist in Vengeance. Check out everything about this icon.

Lucius Cornelius Sulla Fenix, known simply as Sulla or Sila, was a military man and statesman of the Cornelia people of the Roman Republic, elected consul twice and he was known for marching against his own people, check it out.

Tullius Severus is a wealthy merchant and ex-soldier in the Spartacus series, and is part of Capua's elite class. He appears exclusively as the main antagonist in Gods of the Arena.

Marcus Minucius Rufus was Mercato grandfather (in the Spartacus series) and although he is mentioned a few times by his grandson in the series, in fact, he existed and was very important in his time, check it out.

Mercato is a Roman and noble politician from Capua. He is the grandson of Marcus Minucius Rufus, the famous Thracian conqueror. Perhaps Mercato is one of the few sympathetic Romans in the Spartacus series.

Titus Calavius, in the Spartacus series, was a magistrate of Rome and was often in the city of Capua. Batitatus esteemed him very much, but until his "Ambitious" political choice was cut.

Tertulla was the wife of Marcus Crassus and also, mother of Tiberius and was not that relevant in the Spartacus series. Who stood out the most was Kore, slave and lover of Crassus.

Certainly if you watched the Spartacus series, you certainly met young Numerius. At first he is to be taken, but during the series, Numerius is corrupted by Glaber's wife, check it out.

Segovax has the masculine virtue that all men dream of, in addition to proving himself worthy in hand-to-hand combat, this icon in the Spartacus series died prematurely, which is a shame as he would certainly have been a great gladiator, check it out.

Oenomaus was known for his participation in the 3rd Servile War, led by the rebel Spartacus. In the series he was the only gladiator who faced Theokoles and survived!