11 Reasons to Watch Spartacus

     Discover countless reasons to Watch Spartacus! This is a series produced by Starz, it is also the most acclaimed by the producer! If you haven't watched the series yet, check out our website.


     Spartacus: is a series by Starz (producer of Party Down) premiered in January 2010. In Brazil, it is shown on Globosat HD, on pay TV, and on TV Record, on open TV, since January 5, 2014. series is focused on Spartacus, the famous slave who became a gladiator and led the most celebrated revolution in Ancient Rome.

1 - The series is based on real facts:

     Have you heard of the Spartacus story? That famous rebel slave who refused to bow his head to the Roman empire (the most powerful of the time) and who "alone" led thousands of slaves and gladiators to revolt against the clutches of Rome? Of course, the series does not faithfully follow the story of the gladiator (especially when they are at Batiatus Season 1), after all, very little is known about the real story of Spartacus.

2 - The history of Spartacus has already inspired other works:

     Have you heard of that famous 1960 movie "Spartacus"? It was played by Kirk Douglas and has a fascinating history! So much so that it's 3 hours of film and even, the film was remastered and it was an incredible quality! There is also the film by actor Goran Višnjić from 2004, but the film was little publicized and commented on compared to the 1960 one, but still, it is a great film, worth checking out!

3 - Flawless script:

     We have never seen a series that makes us feel as many emotions as Spartacus (anger, sadness, joy). The amazing thing is that in several cases and at various moments in the series, we don't feel absolute anger towards any character ... We kind of understand their situation. Another fact is that when you get used to some character and sympathize with him, he dies ... Yeah. But another one comes up that makes you have that same feeling.

4 - Special effects:

     Have you seen the movie 300? It is the same pattern and to be honest, the first episode itself is not very good, because the effects are not those things (it looks like those low budget films), but as the series goes along, you get used to it and when you notice, it will have been 10 episodes, after all, the series holds you and LOTS. A negative point is that the series was 100% done in a studio, not to mention that any "tap" generates a lot of blood! But in general you get used to it and end up liking it. Episodes

5 - Blood and brutality:

     Overall, it is a series summarized in violence and blood. Throughout it, you will come across countless breathtaking battles! My favorite is that fight between Spartacus and Crixus against Theokoles (the shadow of death). That's awesome! Also interesting are the filmed positions and the famous "slow-motion" effects.

6 - Spicy scenes:

     Ancient Rome is certainly marked by sexuality without distinctions! Woman with woman, man with man, two women, two men and everything that involves the famous God Bacchus (God of wine) famous for extolling orgies and pleasures, hence the term "Bacchanal" ... No series or film portrays so well those scenes and facts like Spartacus! So much so that the series is only recommended for adults.

7 - Women in the series:

     In this regard, images speak more than words!

8 - Politics:

     Start paying attention to the political part of the series, you will start to notice how politics was made then (nowadays too) do not think that politics today is less than that, after all, we live in the real world, and as it is said in the series "This world is full of the grotesque and the divine."

9 - Vocabulary:


     The vocabulary of the series is fascinating! In most films and series that portray ancient Rome, producers alter the vocabulary to make the production more faithful to reality ... But as for this series, in this respect it smashes the competition, because the vocabulary is fascinating and well above the average. "Every night stops, and we need to wake up" Got it or will you need a dictionary ??

10 - Exaggerated Romanticism:

     The romanticism of the Spartacus series is exaggerated and makes it different from the others, but evidently with its individuality! "How do you know that your wife is still alive? - How do you know that your heart still beats in your chest?" Spartacus was a man in love with his wife and everything that happens in the series is a consequence of this.

11 - Andy Whitfield:

     This is without a doubt the best reason! As you know, the main actor of Spartacus was a victim of Lymphoma and died in the transition to the second season. It was from there that they improvised the miniseries "Gods of Arena", or in clear Portuguese Deuses do arena. The series was almost canceled as a result of this unfortunate event. Naevia also decided not to renew the contract with the producer, so they put another actress in place. The first season of Spartacus will always be unique.
     In homage to the series and mainly Andy Whitfield's History, we created this website, with the main objective of immortalizing the memory of both.

"There is no departure for those who will remain forever in our hearts."

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