Spartacus Series: All about Theokoles

     You certainly met Theokoles within the Spartacus series (Rival of Oenomaus) and wondered if this monster really existed. Know its history inside the series and some speculations outside it.


     Theokoles is a huge Greek albino gladiator with pale skin and red eyes. His skin is covered with scars, supporting Varro's rumor that he has been cut 1000 times; in particular his face, through which there are two deep cuts, next to his torso and arms. He has a tattoo on his shoulder, which was given to him by a band of pirates that he served for a while. Theokoles' albinism is responsible for his pale skin, red eyes and photophobia, which allowed Crixus to blind him easily with reflected sunlight. He fights with very little armor, just adorning a balteus and wielding two swords. Their swords are much larger than standard gladii, a benefit to their massive size.


     A gladiator who takes care of glory and fame above all, even after winning a thousand fortunes in all his battles in the arena. He likes to joke or tease his opponents to amuse the crowd, apparently showing a lack of true skill at first, before moving on as the mighty warrior he really is. He also appears to have a high resistance to pain, to be able to withstand serious and even fatal wounds and to continue fighting as if there is nothing to stop him. Despite this, Theokoles has a kind heart, not being able to bear hearing or seeing women in pain or despair. Ultimately, his love for the arena comes from the fact that he was never accepted anywhere else, and that it was the arena in which he flourished.


     Theokoles is the biggest, strongest and most durable warrior found in the series, whose legendary battles have been recorded in the history of the arena. The giant shows a great deal of skill, being able to defeat Oenomaus and leave Crixus seriously injured, both are two of the most skilled warriors in the series. He has never been defeated in his career and Theokoles has already defeated 100 men in the arena. Theokoles shows immense strength and durability, receiving many wounds and continuing to fight without problems. Theokoles fights in the Dimachaeri style, a style of fighting with two swords, generally more suitable for small and agile gladiators. Despite this, he uses his strength and size to wield the two blades as skillfully as any other Dimacheri.


     Theokoles was born in a small village in the Sparta region of Greece. He was extremely big and powerful, even as a child, but his mother still treated him with love and care. Eventually, she passed away and he grew up to be a giant and gentle farmer. Treated like a monster by the other residents, he finally fell in love with Karina, the only person to show her kindness. However, Karina dies in a relationship with Theokoles and this causes the whole village to finally turn against him, calling him a monster and all kinds of names. With sadness and anger, he killed everything that attacked him and buried Karina beside his mother, before moving on. Theokoles wandered to which he later saved the life of Gharib's son. 

     Gharib was a pirate captain and they welcomed Theokoles with open arms. They sail the seas gaining fortune and fame and Theokoles eventually gets a tattoo. However, when the pirates attempt to rape several women, Theokoles' mind changes and he begins to fight and kill the pirates. During this period, a storm hits and the ship is crushed by the waves, with Theokoles being sent to the harsh sea.
     Later, he finds himself captured by Roman soldiers. He is sent to the arena, where he flourishes and, after years of being called a monster and animal, he has found a place where people applaud his name. Over the years, he has become more famous and more victorious, never having lost a battle. He is soon battled by Oenomaus, the champion of the House of Batiatus. They fight hard, almost the same for a while, although Theokoles is still the much stronger fighter. 

     Before delivering the final blow, however, he hears Melitta's cry. This moves him, and he tells Oenomaus to get his sword. However, the publisher of the games notes Oenomaus' ability and ability to fight longer than any other gladiator against Theokoles and grants them both victory. While Theokoles is satisfied, Oenomaus is personally disappointed. Over the many years he fought in the arena, winning thousands of fortunes and winning all the victories against the gladiators he faced, he later withdrew to an unknown place.


     Theokoles is mentioned a few times in the series, spoken with fear and reverence. Kerza and Varro recount how he was cut over a thousand times and that only one managed to survive in a battle against him. Spartacus, however, does not believe the stories about him, which makes the other gladiators mock him even more. Solonius buys retired Theokoles to beat Batiatus. He must fight against the gladiators of Batiatus, Crixus and Spartacus, as just one gladiator would not be enough. As the games approach, Oenomaus trains the pair, dominating them with a similar intensity that will pale from what they will face in the arena. Oenomaus tells them about his own struggle with the Shadow of Death, revealing his wounds and saying that only by fighting as one, they will have a chance.
     Spartacus and Crixus enter the arena on match day, with anticipation when their legendary opponent appears before them. Theokoles enters the arena with many spectators applauding the legend itself with admiration and astonishment. Spartacus and Crixus quickly attack their opponent, fighting as one and manage to overcome the great giant. 

     Theokoles falls with big wounds, the crowd applauds and Spartacus and Crixus celebrate when their victory came quickly from their combined efforts. However, the crowd stops applauding when Theokoles gets up again, having played with them all the time, and screams Crixus' famous line: "Capua! Shall I start?" as a provocation before the three resumed the battle. Their combined attack fails when Crixus refuses to fight Spartacus and Theokoles manages to seriously injure Crixus. Theokoles is beheaded by Spartacus. Before finishing Crixus, Spartacus yells at Theokoles to get his attention. 

     Spartacus, taking advantage of Crixus's shield to launch himself into the air, makes a ferocious attack. Spartacus initially fights well on his own, but Theokoles quickly begins to gain an advantage, easily pushing the Thracian. Still not giving up, even with the interior exposed, Crixus takes a helmet nearby and reflects the light on Theokoles' face, blinding him momentarily. Spartacus seizes the moment, circles behind Theokoles and cripples him on his knees and strikes him repeatedly before finishing him off by beheading.


     Reuben de Jong is a mixed martial arts, kickboxing and professional wrestling fighter and a New Zealand strongman. He went through WWE, in the development territory Florida Championship Wrestling (FCW), under the name in the ring Russell Walker. His kickboxing sequence is 1-3 and MMA 2-0.


     Information about this monster is extremely scarce. There are speculations that yes, it did exist ... However, there is no evidence or even minimal evidence to prove the existence of this legend. We should just stay in the fictitious history seen above and imagine in our memory, what it would be like.


     The etheric double or vital body in incarnated people is the reservoir of ectoplasm, an animalized fluid, in short the energetic reservoir that sustains the connection between the astral body and the physical body through the chakras, which connect these bodies together. We see the "gladiator agénere", the giant Theokoles with 2.10 cm, who cannot speak very clearly, has eyes without vividness, without sharpness, exactly like an agent. 

     The curious thing is that, whether by inspiration or other type of mediumship, the author of the episode described a true fact, because the fight of the two gladiators (Spartacus and Crixus) against Theokoles really took place, being even the "gladiator agent" reported in the series as " shadow of death "for receiving countless injuries and never dying;
    This "agenere gladiator" was one of the strategies of the astral underworld to prevent Moses, incarnated as the famous Spartacus gladiator, from remaining alive, as their mission was known to them: to put an end to the Roman republic, which sponsored a regime of intense corruption based on a population composed of almost 40% of slaves. Theokoles, the invincible gladiator, who killed 99% of the gladiators he faced and who, although seriously wounded, never succumbed, was in fact an agent, a disincarnated spirit with a materialized etheric double that allowed tangible injuries, but that were actually a mere illusion, because in fact he did not have a physical body of flesh and bones, he could not die. 

     The night before the fight, the woman from Spartacus who was separated from him when they arrested him and made him a slave, appears to him and Crixus in a dream, actually an authentic conscious unfolding, and explains how he would need to act to trap the "ghost" in the arena.
     Valina, the woman of Spartacus (in the series she appears with the name of Sura) was a woman of the country and great prophetess, as mentioned in his historical writings the Greek philosopher Plutarco (45-120 AD). She was one of the main responsible for bringing up some memories, of initiatic knowledge to Spartacus, necessary for him to defeat the "shadow of death". In that incarnation, Spartacus did not have unrestricted access to that initiatory knowledge that he had in incarnations such as Atlas and Moses. His wife's action was very useful to help him, especially to awaken the memories of how to use the magnetism of his spirit through the look and sound of his voice, a knowledge that would be fundamental to captivate and hold together in the purpose of fighting for an army that had more than 100,000 rebellious slaves.
     Valina knew how few people use herbs and plants for healing and "magic". She intuited that night Crixus to get a specific plant that should go through all of her sword, which was not very difficult since at the time the Gallic gladiator was not only the champion of little Capua but also one of the favorite lovers of the lanista woman (owner of the gladiators). That plant when it came into contact with the materialized body of the agent would allow him to be temporarily unable to dematerialize, weakening the connection of the agent's mental body to the etheric double used by him in the materialization, thus not allowing him to "run away" if he dematerialized before to an impending defeat. 

     Crixo's greatest desire was to become the only one to win the legendary Theokoles, so Valina left the memory of that conscious unfolding in Crixo, that if he used that flower and dug the sword full of that substance into Theokoles' belly, he would then defeat the "shadow of death", as it would be a "magical" wound that even the "gods" could not heal. In the same way, Valina left alive in the memory of Spartacus that after Crixus put the sword in Theokoles, it would be time to attack with all his strength and thus defeat the giant agent.
     After Crixus nailed the sword to the branch he was actually hit by falling to the ground, but the effect was immediate, the branch felt his strength diminish and when he tried to dematerialize he couldn't, having then his head cut off by Spartacus. The plant would allow the spirit of the agent to be trapped by that double, who continued to be fed by the ectoplasm of the crowd that watched the carnage in the arena, that way neither he could break free and dematerialize the body (together with the separate head) and neither the body dematerialized. The result was that hours after the end of the blood "show", the body was thrown into the fire, automatically expelling the spirit of the agent from that etheric double, which was then "diluted" and disappeared, as the fire and the action of the plant canceled completely the poison used by astral scientists who kept that double, of an already disembodied spirit, still cohesive.
     Theokoles would never stand again. The ancient wizard of Atlantean darkness, who had been the leader of the white population, Gaderius, again lost to Atlas. His thirst for revenge, however, would cause him to return to the matter, incarnated, in the hunt for John the Baptist. Spartacus and Crixus survived, the slave rebellion later took place under the leadership of Spartacus and served as an inspiration for future generations to fight against slavery and the unrest of Rome, as well as many of the early Christians who showed great bravery in the arenas Roman, inspired by what was the symbol of the struggle for freedom.

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