10 Best Zodiac Signs Quotes Funny to Reflect


     Zodiac Signs Quotes Funny about Life and Love: The 10 brightest, most striking and longing phrases in Astrology. Inspiring excerpts, Intriguing and Motivational Phrases!

What are Zodiac Signs?

     "Each sign represents a space for the planets to act. Therefore, the ideal is to know the basic qualities of all the signs and discover, through your Astral Map, in which of them each planet is located. From then on, the person will know way the symbology of their planets will be expressed, based on the characteristics of that sign. After all, it is it that offers a descriptive basis of people's identity and behavior. "

     "Zodiac (from the Latin zōdiacus, in turn from the ancient Greek ζωδιακός κύκλος, transl. Zōdiakós kýklos," circle of animals ", derived from ζώδιον, transl. Zōdion, short for ζῶον, zōon," animal ") is an imaginary range of celestial firmament that includes the apparent orbits of the Sun, the Moon and the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

     The divisions of the zodiac represent constellations in astronomy and signs in astrology. constellations along the ecliptic (the apparent path traveled by the Sun during the year). The 13 constellations that make up the zodiac, by the division made by the International Astronomical Union in 1930."

Zodiac Signs Funny Quotes:

"It's that saying: I'm fine on the outside, but on the inside I'm fine."

"Everything is a matter of balance. Half of me is namaste and the other is gotofuck."

"Today I'm like painkillers: either swallow me or continue to be sick."

"How many Taureans does it take to change a lamp? None. Taureans don't like to change anything."

"Yesterday I read the horoscope and it was written:" Born of Gemini will be happy in 2018. "I was very sad that I didn't have a twin."

Zodiac Signs Memes and Quotes:

"Pay attention to today's horoscope: Saturn is backtracking and it looks like you're going to be screwed again."

"I can't stand rudeness. Throw me a pebble and I'll throw you three bricks."

"I hate gossip, but have I told you the last one?"

"They are looking for someone they can take care of and nurture, pamper like a baby. They also look for the security that the relationship can give and someone who can tolerate their unstable mood, a happy time, another depressive time."

"I already told you that I am HYPERDEMOCRAT ... but why haven't you done what I told you yet?"

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