Coeus: Knowledge Titan from Greek Mythology

     Coeus is a Titan within Greek Mythology and is represented for being the search for knowledge and truth. He is one of the 12 Titans of the first generation and certainly had a value for the Hellenics.

Coeus in Greek Mythology:

     Coeus, in Greek Mythology, is one of the titans who were born from Gaia (Gea) and Uranus. He was the titan of intelligence and knowledge, being married to the titanid Phoebe and with him Astéria, the star goddess, and Leto, the goddess of nightfall. An obscure titan, who has importance only in the construction of the genealogical tree of the Greek gods, but his representation is in fact important, as it means wisdom and self-knowledge, mainly because he was the grandfather of Apollo (god of prophecy, medicine and music) and of Artemis (goddess of hunting and wildlife).

"Phoebe entered the loving bed of Ceos;
And Goddess fertilized the God with love;
Leto was born in a black veil;
Always good to humans and immortal Gods;
sweet from the start;the softest on Olympus;
Astéria was also born;
Which Perses took to his palace;
He married her, and this union;
the powerful Hecate was born

That Zeus bestowed with splendid Gifts ... "

Titan Coeus:

     Like most titans, Coeus had no active role in Greek Mythology; it only appears on the list of titans, but it is important for their descendants. With his sister Febe, Céos was the father of Leto and Astéria. Although not explicitly mentioned, Lelanto is indicated as the father of Céos, or at least Leto's partner. Leto gave birth to Artemis and Apollo, children of their relationship with Zeus (son of the titans Cronos and Reia). Ceos is associated with the celestial axis around which the constellations seem to revolve and the celestial oracles, while his sister and wife Phoebe ("Brightness") was related to Delphi, regarded as the axis and center of the Earth, and to his earthly oracle. associated with dragons. Ceos was linked to the "celestial dragon", the constellation of the Dragon, whose main stars were the polar stars in Early Antiquity: Thuban or Alpha Draconis until 1793 BC and Ketu or Kappa Draconis until about 1000 BC Febe was linked to the "terrestrial dragon" , Python, guardian of the oracle and the Axis of the World until she was killed by Apollo.


     Asteria or Astrea (virgin of the stars) is one of the Titans, who rules the falling stars, the oracles and nocturnal prophecies, including prophetic dreams, the reading of the stars (astrology) and necromancy. She represents the dark aspect of the night, while her sister, Leto, represents the welcoming aspect of the night. This nocturnal characteristic of the sisters was inherited from their mother, Phoebe (or Phoebe), the first Goddess of the Moon honored by the Greeks and also considered a Goddess of brilliant intellect. People often confuse this Goddess with Astrea, Goddess of Justice and Purity, but they are very different deities.


     Latona (in Roman Mythology), or Leto (in Greek mythology), was a goddess, daughter of Phoebe and Céos, and mother of Phoebus (Apollo) and Diana (Artemis). It was the goddess of nightfall. Latona was a lover goddess of Jupiter. She was a goddess of motherhood and with her children, a protector of children. Her name and iconography suggest that she was also a goddess of modesty and demure. 

     Like her sister Astéria she may also have been a goddess of the night, or, alternatively, of daylight. When she became pregnant with the two, whose father was Jupiter, she had to flee from the wrath of the jealous supreme goddess Juno (Hera), who had asked Gaia not to give way on earth so that the goddess could give birth to her children. The floating island of Delos eventually provided him with refuge. 

     To give birth to the children on the island, she had to flee the Python snake, which Apollo would later kill. Later, when she later traveled to Delphi, the Titans tried to kidnap her, but Apollo intervened and killed him with arrows.

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