Top 10 Socrates Quotes about Life

     Socrates Quotes on Youth: The 10 most striking and longing phrases of Socrates you can only find here. Inspirational phrases, striking and Motivational Phrases!

Who Was Socrates?

     Socrates (Alópece, c. 469 B.C. - Athens, 399 B.C.) was an Athenian philosopher from the classical period of Ancient Greece. Credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy, he is still an enigmatic figure, known mainly through the accounts in the works of writers who lived later, especially two of his students, Plato and Xenophon, as well as the plays of his contemporary Aristophanes. 

     Many argue that Plato's dialogues would be the most comprehensive account of Socrates to have endured from antiquity to the present day. Through his representation in his students' dialogues, Socrates became renowned for his contribution in the field of ethics, and it is this Platonic Socrates who bequeathed his name to concepts such as Socratic irony and the Socratic method.

Socrates Quotes on Youth:

"To achieve the friendship of a dignified person, we need to develop in ourselves the qualities we admire in that person."

"I am neither Athenian nor Greek, but a citizen of the world."

"O ideal no casamento é que a mulher seja cega e o homem surdo."

"Wise is he who knows the limits of his own ignorance."

"Under the direction of a strong general, there will never be weak soldiers."

Socrates Quotes about Life:

"If all of our misfortunes were put together and subsequently shared equally between each of us, we would be very happy if we could only have ours again."

"The friend must be like money, the value of which we already knew before we needed it."

"Three things must be done by a judge: listen carefully, consider soberly and decide impartially."

"What should characterize youth is modesty, modesty, love, moderation, dedication, diligence, justice, education. These are the virtues that must shape your character."

"The souls of all men are immortal, but the souls of righteous men are immortal and divine."

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