Roman Mythology: The Names of the Roman Gods

     Roman Mythology: Are Greek and Roman Gods the Same Thing? In a simplified way, yes! With the exception of their respective Names. Check out everything about the Roman Gods below.

The Roman Mythology:

     Roman Mythology is a study of the legends of Ancient Rome, used to explain the formation of the world, the phenomena of nature, the physical feelings and sensations of humans and the evolution of knowledge; in a pagan way. Founded in the middle of the 8th century BC with the founding of the Kingdom of Rome, it was in force for over a thousand years on the Italian peninsula. According to Roman Mythology, men and Gods needed to live in harmony and with mutual trust. 

     The rituals and services performed were intended to please the gods, as all health, protection and success in war, love, abundant crops and all other things related to the lives of men depended on the happiness of the gods. Some of these gods were incorporated into Roman Mythology, as they belonged to the religions conquered by these people.

Romulus and Remus:

     According to Roman Mythology, Romulus and Remus are two twin brothers, one of whom, Romulus, was the founder of the city of Rome and its first king. Legend has it that Romulus and Remus were sons of the Greek god Ares, or Mars, his Latin name, and of the deadly Reia Silvia (or Rhea Silvia), daughter of Numitor, king of Alba Longa. Amulius, brother of King Numitor, gave a coup d'état, seized the crown and made Numitor his prisoner. 

     Reia Sílvia was confined to chastity, so that Numitor would not have descendants. Meanwhile, Mars married Reia who gave birth to the twins Romulus and Remus. Amulus, tyrant king, upon learning of the birth of the children, threw them into the Tiber River. The current threw them to the bank of the river and they were found by a she-wolf, who would have suckled them and cared for them until they were found by Pastor Fáustulo, who together with his wife raised them as children.

Roman Religion:

     The Roman religion was polytheistic, that is, several Gods were worshiped, in addition, it is also said that this religion was anthropomorphic: basically the Gods had human figure and behavior (they laughed, fell in love, made mistakes ...). Basically, they inhabited the Lazio peninsula like the Sabinos, Latinos, Etruscans. They lived in that territory and others, such as the Greeks and Frisians, who lived in other regions outside the peninsula. In addition, Greek religions influenced the Romans in the formation of their pantheon.

Roman Gods and Goddess:

APOLLE: God of music, poetry, divination (oracles) and the sun. He is considered the protector of the arts.
CERES: Goddess of fruits and earth. Ceres appeared in Rome when the Etruscans attacked the city.

BACO: God of wine, festivals and mystical delirium.

CIBELE: Mother of the gods and goddess of nature.

CARMENTA: Goddess of sources and prophecy.

CONSO: God protecting the buried grain. The Sabino kidnapping happened at their first party.

SILVANO: God of fertility and animals, and also, protector of herds and shepherds.

FLORA: Goddess of all that flourishes and wife of Zephyr.

CUPID: Represents love personified.

DIANA: Goddess of the Moon, of hunting, of chastity.

JUPITER: King, leader of the Gods and great protector of Rome. He is also considered the God and emperor of heaven, rain, light and lightning.
MARS: Father of Romulus and the Roman people and is the God of crops and war. (but Mars was not always synonymous with victory.

JUNO: Wife of Jupiter, goddess of women, protector of marriage and children.

JANO: God of light who has two faces (one behind and one in front).

LIBER: God of the vine (which is often mistaken for Bacchus).

MERCURY: Messenger of the gods, he is the god of commerce, of roads, of eloquence.

MINERVA: Protector of commerce and industry, she is the goddess of artists and intelligence.

PALES: Considered a genius, Pales is the god or goddess of flocks and shepherds.

NEPTUNE: God of the sea and storms. (brother of Jupiter and Pluto).

PLUTO: God of Hell or the underworld.

SATURN: Related to the sky, Saturn is the father of Jupiter and god of sowing. (daddy of the triad of gods Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto).

QUIRINO: God of harvests, mistaken for Romulus and Mars.

POMONA: Divinity of fruits and trees.

URANO: Personification of the sky. (father of Saturn)

TELURE: Goddess of the land or crops.

VULCANO: God of fire and husband of Venus. With the help of the Cyclopes, he forged Jupiter's rays.

VENUS: Born from the waves of the sea, Venus is the goddess of love and beauty.

VERTUMNO: God of the seasons and commerce.

VESTA: Goddess of home and fire.

LETUS: God of death

CARONTE: Boatman from the underworld (kingdom of Hades / Pluto).

CONCORD: Goddess of peace and harmony (opposite of discord).

DISCORD: Goddess of misfortune and unfortunate events.

SOMMO: God of sleep and brother of Létus (death).

LATONA: Goddess of Nightfall.


     Some gods were worshiped and classified according to their duties. Above all, some were closer to people's daily lives, such as those mentioned below:
  • Penate Gods, who were protective gods of families and provisions;
  • Home Gods, responsible for the protection of homes and fields;Diparate gods, protectors of ancestors;
  • Gods Manes, protectors of the spirits of relatives who have died;
  • Genius Gods, responsible for protecting the procreation capacity of men;
  • Gods Janu and Vesta, responsible for the protection of doors and the home.


     We have separated for you two forgotten Roman Gods but with a fascinating history behind Roman mythology. Check it out below, and if you want to know everything about Greek Mythology. 

Juno Moneta:

     Moneta, the Avisadora is an epithet of the goddess Juno, venerated on the northern top of the Capitol, in Rome. It had received this name because, during the invasion of the Gauls, in 390 BC, the sacred geese that reared around the sanctuary of the goddess raised the alarm with their squawks, while the enemy tried to take the hill by surprise in a night attack. The Temple of Juno Moneta stood on the site of Marco Mânlio Capitolino's house, which had been destroyed after the death sentence of its owner, suspected of aspiring to the monarchy. It was in that temple that the coin was minted. 

     It was said that, during the war against Pyrrhus, fearing that they might run out of money, the Romans asked Juno for advice. The goddess replied that they would never be short of money if they conducted their wars justly. As a thank you for that advice, it was decided that the coinage would be made under the auspices of the goddess.


     Priapo or Príapo is the Greek god of fertility, son of Dyonisos and Aphrodite. His image is presented as a mature man, showing a large (erect) genital organ. Priapo was considered to protect herds, vegetables, grapes and bees. Dionysus, coming victorious from battles in the Indies, was fervently received by Aphrodite and from this union Priapo was born. Hera, jealous of Aphrodite, worked so that the child was born with its enormous deformity (interestingly, it is always represented with an exaggerated size penis). 

     His mother ordered him to be educated on the banks of the Helesponto in Lampasaco, where on account of his debauchery and disruption he became an object of terror and revulsion. The city was overcome by an epidemic and the inhabitants saw it as retaliation for not paying attention to Aphrodite's son, they performed rituals and asked him to stay among them. 

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