10 Best Quotes from Jean-Jacques Rousseau


     Jean-Jacques Rousseau Quotes on education, democracy ... 10 Rousseau's longing for phrases. Messages, Excerpts, Quotes and Motivational Phrases!

Who Was Rousseau?

     Jean-Jacques Rousseau was an important self-taught philosopher, political theorist, writer and composer from Geneva. He is considered one of the leading philosophers of the Enlightenment and a precursor to Romanticism.

     His political philosophy in fact influenced the Enlightenment across Europe, as well as aspects of the French Revolution and the modern development of economics, politics and educational thought.

     For him, traditional educational institutions corrupt man and take away his freedom. For the creation of a new man and a new society, it would be necessary to educate the child according to Nature, progressively developing his senses and reason with a view to freedom and the ability to judge.

Rousseau Quotes about Life:

  • "Happiness: a good bank account, a good cook and good digestion."

  • "Every man has the right to risk his own life to save it."

  • "Take the pleasure of being heard from the philosopher and his desire for knowledge ceases."

  • "When a man dies, he takes in his hands only what he has given during his life."

  • "Petty souls have no faith in great individuals."

Rousseau Quotes about Education, Politics, Democracy:

  • "When something an affliction happens to you, you either let it defeat you, or you defeat it."

  • "I hate books; they just teach us to talk about what we don't know."

  • "We were born, so to speak, twice; we were born for existence and we were born for life; we were born a human being and we were born a man."

  • "Refiners had every incentive to go back to work because there was a lot of money to be made."

  • "It is not natural for the majority to rule, as the majority can rarely be organized and united for a specific action, and a minority can."

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