Top 10 Charles Bukowski Quotes about Life


     Charles Bukowski Quotes about life and Love: The 10 brightest, most striking and longing phrases by Bukowski. Quotes, Inspiring excerpts, Intriguing and Motivational Phrases!

Who Was Charles Bukowski?

     Henry Charles Bukowski Jr was a German-born American poet, short story writer and novelist. His work, initially obscene and totally colloquial in character, with descriptions of manual labor, drunkenness and cheap relationships, fascinated generations who were looking for a work with which they could identify.

     Born in Germany, the son of German-American soldier Heinrich Bukowski and Katharina (born Fett), at the age of three he moved to the United States with his parents. They initially went to Baltimore in 1923, then to the Los Angeles suburb. With an extremely authoritarian and frustrated father and a submissive mother, he often suffered physical and psychological abuse from his father. His parents met in Andernach, Germany, after the First World War.

Quotes from Bukowski about Life:

"If you're going to try, go to the end, otherwise, don't even start."

"No, I don't hate people. I just prefer it when they're not around."

"I never felt alone. I like being with myself. I am the best form of entertainment I can find."

"This is the problem with drinking, I thought, as I poured myself a glass. If something bad happens, drink to forget; if something good happens, drink to celebrate, and if nothing happens, drink to anything happens. "

"I feel good about not participating in anything. I am glad that I am not in love and that I am not at ease with the world. I like to feel strange to everything ..."

Charles Bukowski Quotes on Love:

"Love is a kind of prejudice. People love what they need, love what makes them feel good, love what is convenient. How can you say you love a person when there are ten thousand others in the world that you would love more if you met? But we never know. "

"I don't know about other people, but when I bend down to put my shoes on in the morning, I think, God Almighty, what else now?"

"There are worse things than being alone but it usually takes decades to understand that and almost always when you do, it is too late. And there is nothing worse than too late."

"I was far from being an interesting person. I didn't want to be an interesting person, it was a lot of work. I really wanted a quiet, dark space to live my loneliness; wanted everything, and got nothing. "

"Never expect too much, luck or others, in the end there is no one who won't let you down."

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