Who Was the Father of Icarus in Greek Mythology?


     Who was the Father of Icarus in Greek Mythology? Icarus was popularly known after his attempt to leave the island of Crete Flying, but it had a dramatic ending as expected...

Who Was the Father of Icarus?

     Icarus was the son of Daedalus and a slave of Persephone (goddess of herbs, flowers, fruits and perfume). Daedalus, expelled for killing his nephew Perdix, took refuge on the island of Crete, together with King Minos. After the birth of Minotaur, the fruit of the love between Pasífae (Minos' wife) and a divine bull (V. Minos), he and his son Ícaro built the labyrinth of Minotauro, in which he trapped the monster. Later, Minotauro was killed by Theseus (V. Theseus and V. Minotaur).

     After Minotaur death, Daedalus was trapped, together with his son, in the labyrinth. Then they built artificial wings out of beeswax and bird feathers of different sizes, molding it with their hands to look like real wings. Thus, he managed to escape. Before, however, he warned his son not to fly too close to the sun, so that he could not melt the wax on his wings, and not too close to the sea, as it could make his wings heavier. However, Icarus did not listen to his father's advice and, taken by the desire to fly close to the Sun, ended up "crashing" and fell into the Aegean Sea, and drowned in the area that today bears his name, the Icarian Sea, near Icaria. , an island southwest of Samos.


     Daedalus spent a long time working for King Cocalo, building several wonders.

     Minos, however, when he learned that Daedalus had taken refuge in Sicily, and being lord of the seas, he decided to campaign against the island. Disembarking with great force on the island, in the place called Heracleia Minoa from then on, Minos demanded from Cocalo to hand over Daedalus for him to be punished. Cocalo, however, brought Minos as a guest to his palace, and murdered Minus while bathing, boiling him in hot water. 

     Cocalo returned Minos' body to the Cretans, saying that he had drowned in the bath; the Cretans buried him in Sicily, in the place where the city of Acragas (now Agrigento) was founded, and stayed there until Terone, tyrant of Acragas, returned his bones to the Cretans.

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