Who Was Perseus? Story and Myth


     Perseus was, in Greek Mythology, the executioner of Medusa. Also, founder of the city of Mycenae and half brother of Heracles. He knows its Story, Myth and Meaning.

Perseus in Greek Mythology:

     Perseus, in Greek Mythology, is a demigod known for being the founder of the mythical city-state of Mycenae, half brother of Heracles and patron of both the royal house of Perseus and the Persian dynasty, having been ancestral, according to mythology, of the emperors of Persia and famous for beheading the gorgon Medusa, a monster that turned anyone who looked into his eyes into stone. As a demigod, Perseus was the son of Zeus, who in the form of a golden shower, entered the bronze tower and impregnated Perseus' mother, the mortal Dânae or Danai, daughter of Acrisio, king of Argos.

     Their children are: Perses, Alceu, Heleu, Mestor, Estenelo, Electrion, Gorgofona.

Birth of Perseus:

     Acrisius, king of Argus, was married to Eurydice, Lacedemon's daughter, and had a daughter, Danae, but had no sons. When Acrísio asked the oracle how his daughter could have sons, the answer was that Dânae would have a son who would kill him.

     Danae was locked in an underground bronze chamber and placed under guard, but she was seduced, according to some authors, by Preto, Acrísio's brother and rival, or by Zeus, who took the form of a golden shower. Lactancius, a Christian author who lived around the year 300, influenced by Evemerism, says that this "golden shower" was, in fact, a large sum of money that the immortal king Zeus poured over Danae lap, to compensate for the dishonor. that he made it, and that later poets adopted the golden rain as a figure of expression, just as "iron rain" refers to a large amount of darts and arrows.

     Acrisius, not believing that his daughter was pregnant with Zeus, placed her in a chest, which was thrown overboard. The basket reached the island of Serifos, where it was found by Díctis, who raised the boy.

As for Medusa ...

     Perseus became a great man, strong, ambitious, courageous, adventurous and protective of his mother. Polidecto, fearful that Perseus 'ambition would lead him to usurp the throne, proposed a tournament in which the winner would be whoever brought the head of Medusa, Perseus' adventurous instinct did not let him refuse. In another version of the same myth, everyone invited to pay homage to the king should give him a gift; as Perseus was poor he offered to bring Medusa's head as a gift ...

     What few know is that Medusa was not the villain in history. The real culprit of all this (Medusa's death), was the envy of the Goddess Athena, check out her full story below.

Perseus and Atlas:

     On his return he passed through the country of the Hesperides, where Titan Atlas was, who was condemned to hold the dome on his shoulders. Seeing that the place was very beautiful, Perseus asked Atlas if he could sleep around that day, saying to the Titan:

     "If you see a person for your family, know that I am the son of Zeus and if, however, you value great deeds, know that I killed the gorgon Medusa". Atlas replies, "You mortal, did you kill the queen of the gorgons? No mortal would be able to do that."

     Very disgusted by not having been believed by Atlas, Perseus shows Medusa's head to the huge titan, when he faces the gorgon's eyes he begins to have his entire body petrified, his bones transform into a mountain, his beard into forest and his head the summit.

Perseus and Andromeda:

     Continuing his return home, he passed an island where he saw a beautiful woman chained in the middle of the sea, if it weren't for the tears that were streaming down her face, she would have mistaken her for a statue. Perseus asks the young woman what she did to deserve such punishment, the girl then tells him:

     "I am Andromeda, my mother Cassiopeia dared to compare her beauty with the daughters of Poseidon, the sea nymphs, and we were punished for that. Poseidon sent a monster from Ceto to destroy our city for my mother's mistake and I was offered as a sacrifice. "

     Perseus says he will save the beautiful girl, if she promises to marry him, but before receiving the answer, a big wave opened in the middle and the sea monster appeared. Without thinking twice, Perseus goes up against the monster and, taking advantage of his flying advantage, wins the bloody battle. Andromeda's parents grant her hand and Perseus returns home with her.

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