Learn to Deal with Life's Adversities!
The Deal With Adversaries E-book is about developing integrity and being more prepared for life. Learn Strategy, Leadership, Resilience and even Self-Esteem.
What is the Deal with Adversaries E-book?
Deal with Adversaries is a Digital Book where you will learn to develop your leadership and also to deal with Life's Adversities. The Content is translated in a simple and practical way with the best within the strategy! The basic structure of this Book is The Art of War by Sun Tzu.
You will also have the possibility to develop Resilience and Self-esteem, because in the PDF analogies with our reality are made. There will also be motivational texts and bonuses for you to have a high value life!
This is a Personal Development E-book because "Adversaries" is not just about Enemies or Rivals in the most diverse areas, but also about the Adversities of Life. Your mind will be open and shielded upon completion.
The content is as dynamic as possible! It won't make you sleepy. So as long as you do good calculations in advance, Victory will follow! Come and learn how to do these calculations. Below is an example of the material:
What Will You Learn?
- It is a fact that by putting content into practice, you will become at least 10% better at everything you do;
- Human development; Turning falls into hits;
- Possibility to develop self-esteem, resilience and motivation for life;
- The Three Pillars of Leadership; you will understand that being loved is better than being feared;
- The Art of War for the real world and with examples to follow;
- To beat any opponent and in any field, making good calculations in advance.
In advance it is necessary to understand that there are no magic formulas for success, but hard work! Run away from anyone who promises you this kind of thing.