Ragnarok is, in Norse Mythology, known as the "end of times", or, End of the World. In this event, there will be a series of curiosities between the gods, giants and children of Loki, check it out.
Odin: The God of Victory in Norse Mythology
Odin (also called Wotan) in Norse Mythology is the God of Victory. Odin is the most important deity in this mythology and is also the wisest among gods and mortals, check it out.

Odin in Norse Mythology:
Odin is considered the main god of the Æsir clan of gods in Norse Mythology (the most important clan of gods) and in the beliefs of the Germanic Neopagan religions. He is also known as "Father of All" and "The Warlord's Envoy."
His role, like that of many Norse gods, was complex; he was the god of wisdom, war and death, though also, to a lesser extent, of magic, poetry, prophecy, victory and hunting. He was mostly adored by the upper social classes.
Odin lived in Asgard, in the palace of Valaskjálf, which he built for himself, and where his throne, the Hliðskjálf, is located, where he could observe what happened on each of the nine worlds, thanks to his two ravens Hugin and Munin. During combat he brandished his spear, called Gungnir, and mounted his eight-legged horse, called Sleipnir.
Odin in Norse means Wodanaz, so he is often called Wodan or Wotan.
Your parents:
He was the son of Borr and the jotun (remembering that "Jotuns" are giants) Bestla, brother of Vili and Vé, husband of Frigg and father of several of the asses gods (Æsir), such as Thor, Balder, Vidar and Vali. In Scaldic poetry reference is made to him with several kenningars, and one of those used to mention him is Allföðr.
As Odin was also the chief god of war, he was in charge of sending his "daughters", the Valkyries, to collect the bodies of the heroes killed in combat, the einherjar, who sit beside him in Valhalla from where he presides over the banquets. In the end times Odin will lead gods and men against the forces of chaos in the battle of the end of the world, the Ragnarök. In this battle the god will be slain and devoured by the fierce wolf Fenrir, who will be immediately slain by Vidar, who, with one foot on his throat, will tear off his jaw.
Odin was a Virtuous God:
The bet of "father of magic", Baldrs Draumar, confirmed in his own testimony of Hávamál, describes the mythology of his own sacrifice: he was wounded with a spear and suspended in a tree, where he remained for nine days agitated by the winds; this tree is Yggdrasill, the ash of the world. All this aimed at initiation in the wisdom of runes, having even created some of them, becoming the lord of the mead of poetry, a magical liqueur that utters predictions.
As for Odin high learning, it is reported that he was not always like this, wise and powerful magician; eager to know all things, he wanted to drink from the fountain of wisdom, where the ash tree Yggdrasill dips one of its roots; but Mimir, his uncle, the guardian of the fountain, wise and prudent, granted him the favor only on condition that Odin gave him one of his eyes. He then found in the miraculous spring water so much wisdom and secret powers that he could, as soon as Mimir was killed in the war between the Æsir and the Vanir, confer upon him the faculty of being reborn by wisdom: his head, embalmed thanks to the care of the gods, is able to answer all the questions that direct you.
After acquiring so much knowledge, he later sought to reveal them in duels of words, in which he bets his life and always wins. Furthermore, he repeatedly addresses prophetesses and visionaries, asking for strange information, giving them rich gifts in return.
Many compare Odin's death on the Tree to Jesus' death on the Cross.
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Jõrmungandr is, in Norse Mythology, the Serpent of the World. This serpent is also the biggest viper of all mythologies. Also, she is a mortal enemy of the Norse God of Thunder, Thor. Check out.
Nidhogg is a Dragon exclusive to Norse Mythology. This dragon arises from the world tree and is extremely powerful, as well as being mentioned in the Poetic Edda.
Loki is, in Norse Mythology, the God of Mischief. Loki was a very unpredictable deity and despite being Thor's brother, he wasn't a god himself, but a Jotun (a giant), check it out below.
Surtur: The Fire Giant of Norse Mythology
Surtur or Surt is the main Fire Giant of Norse Mythology, as well as being the guardian of one of the worlds: Musphelhein, the Land of Fire. It is this giant that will fight the God Freyr in Ragnarok.
Skoll and Hati, in Norse Mythology, are the sons of the wolf Fenrir and also grandsons of Loki. Both pulled the sun and moon, in addition to having a relevant role in Ragnarok as they are mentioned in the poem Gylfaginning.
Who is Fenrir in Norse Mythology?
Fenrir is, in Norse Mythology, a monstrous wolf that, in Ragnarok, will be freed from its chains and will cause chaos to everyone in front of him. Discover the History and Myth of this creature below.
Yggdrasil is known as the "Tree of the worlds" in Norse Mythology, it is where the Nine Worlds such as Alfheim and Jutunheim are located. Know its Meaning and History.
Vili and Vé: Meet the Brother Gods of Odin
Vili and Vé are, in Norse and Germanic Mythology, the Brother Gods of Odin (the wisest of the Norse gods). Both are little known, the most prominent deity in this mythology is his brother.
Huginn and Muninn, are, in Norse Mythology, the Ravens of the God Odin. Both have the meaning of Thought and Memory! They are the ones who bring information to God. Learn more about these crows below.